Old Masters Academy

Posts Tagged "Good Paints"

Oil painting essential materials and techniques: Good Paints and Pigments

Oil painting essential materials and techniques: Good Paints and Pigments

Oil painting essential materials and techniques: Good Paints and Pigments Good Paints.—The three things on which the quality of good paint depends are good pigment, good vehicles, and good preparation. The pigments used are of mineral, chemical, and vegetable origin. The term pigment technically means the powdered substance which, when mixed with a vehicle, as oil, becomes oil paint. The most important pigments now used are artificial products, chiefly chemical compounds, including chemical preparations of natural mineral earths. As a rule, the colors made from earths may be classed as all permanent; those from chemicals, permanent or not, as the case may be; and those of vegetable origin fugitive, with few exceptions. Some colors are good when used as water colors, and bad…

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