Old Masters Academy

Posts Tagged "portable"

Oil painting lessons and techniques: Materials

Oil painting lessons and techniques: Materials

Oil painting lessons and techniques: Materials It remains to speak of those tools which are not essentials, but conveniences, to painting. Even as conveniences, however, they are of importance enough to have an influence on your work. You can paint without them, but you will work more easily for the having of them; and something of the sort, although not necessarily of the same kind, you must have. You may improvise something, in other words, to take the place of these, but you would be wiser to get those which are made for the purpose. The Box.—First, the box for oil paints. You must keep your things together somehow, and it would be as well that you keep them in…

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Palettes of Famous Artists. Art materials

Palettes of Famous Artists. Art materials

Palettes of Famous Artists Gauguin believed in: “Pure colour! Everything must be sacrificed to it.” Yet, overall, his tones were muted, and quite close together. Marion-Boddy Evans draws our attention to a portable palette found in his painting studio after he died, from which it would appear Gauguin didn’t lay out his colours in any particular order. Nor does he seem to have ever cleaned his palette, instead mixing fresh colours on top of dried-up paint.

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