Old Masters Academy

How to be a Successful Artist

“Fine Art: Your Fame and Wealth.

Who if not you?”

by Vladimir London and Sophie Golden

Fine Art : Your Fame and Wealth. Who if not you?

Fine Art : Your Fame and Wealth. Who if not you?

How to become a Successful Fine Artist

Ultimate Artist Self-Promotion Guide

You still have a chance to ask your questions on the subject of how to become a successful fine artist. The answers to your questions will be included in the appropriate chapters of the book. To ask a question or submit a suggestion, please use the Comments Form on this page.

You may have already come across some books before on the subject of making career in Fine Art; usually such books are written by people who know the subject in theory. This book is different. It is written by Vladimir London, professional web marketer with extensive experience in web design and fine art. For ten years Vladimir was creating marketing campaigns online, helping numerous well known brands and celebrities to promote their brands and names. From the preface of the book, here is how Vladimir explains this:

“Congratulations on your desire to succeed in your creative career; this is one of the necessary ingredients in your achievement formula. I hope my knowledge and experience will be useful for you.

By reading this book you have made the first step towards artistic success, global fame and recognition. I will teach you step by step what you need to do in order to succeed.

Many fine artists starting art education with little knowledge how they can become known for their art. Not everyone actually fulfil their creative career dreams. Do you know that 98% of the artists are struggling on their journey to success? As a fine artist you may think: “All I have to do is to create artworks, then send my portfolio to various galleries, call some art dealers and clients; everyone will recognise my unique talents and exhibitions and commissions will follow.” You may be going from gallery to gallery presenting your portfolio, or calling art dealers asking to show them your paintings, maybe you’re sending hundreds of emails every month. Maybe you are already exhibiting your artwork at exhibitions from time to time or planning big shows. The point is that even though buyers of your art can pay quite big money, your income still might be relatively small because of gallery owners and art dealers taking big cuts.

Answer this question honestly. Are you totally satisfied with your income from your art? Are you absolutely sure your current art career is at its pinnacle and can’t be improved? Are you happy with results you have? If the answer is “No”, then this book is for you. If you’re doing the same thing over and over again you are likely to get the same results. So, what needs to be done? How to get on the next level where you can enjoy benefits of being famous? I will show you the answers in chapters of this book.

The industry of fine art is run not by artists but by galleries and auction owners, art dealers, brokers and managers. There are millions of fine artists worldwide, only few are successful. Some of them are successful not because of their art skills and talents, but because of the massive marketing support behind them. This used to be the status quo for more than 200 years; until now. Traditional 19th – 20th century approaches to artist career building just isn’t suitable for the 21st century, unless you want to spend a long time and lots of money making your name recognized.

I will tell you the big secret here. Gallery owners and art dealers don’t want you as an artist to have good self-promotion skills! Why would they? Your website or portfolio online is no good for them. Your artworks can be found online by potential buyers and they can buy or order commissions directly from you. What are the benefits to gallery owners and dealers if they’re loosing their cut? The dream of the dealer is to sign artists on exclusive conditions, meaning that every deal or exhibition goes through the dealer. This medieval approach is still practicing today. Times have changed, now you can dictate your conditions to middle men providing you are in a strong position and have enough fame. Now I will show you exactly what to do to achieve such a position.

Times have changed. Now fine artists can make much bigger profits from selling their digital copies of artworks compared to the sale of an original painting or drawing. You can only sell your original artwork once, as a digital copy you can sell it over and over again in years to come, even when you sleep or travel. New digital era has broadened horizons for fine artists wider than ever before. You have to decide for yourself – would you like to discover and master new possibilities of promoting your name and make much bigger profits as a result, or stick to old traditional marketing school and be as poor as medieval artists.

If you are employed and dreaming of quitting your day job by becoming a successful fine artist, or if you are a student and want to escape the necessity of selling your time for money (J.O.B.), or if you are a self-employed artist who wants to progress further in your creative career – this book is for you!

Here’s the shocking truth you may not be aware of at the moment:

• You may think that to have a successful career in Fine Art requires a lot of time. – Wrong! This book will show you how to save time in every step you make on your path to creative success; how to take giant leaps toward success every time you implement the project using my strategy.

• You may think that artistic success is a synonym of being lucky. – Wrong! This book describes in details how you can be in total control of your own artistic destiny, without relying on favours from art dealers and managers.

• You may think that promoting your name as fine artist requires a lot of money. Wrong! You will discover in the following chapters how to hijack the global media and feature on latest news across the globe on a shoestring budget! Just imagine how you could benefit from such exposure.

• You may think that promoting a fine artist name is a task so big and difficult that only dedicated PR companies can undertake such massive project. – Wrong! I will reveal how to implement the promotion of an artist’s name on global scale singlehandedly without employing marketing companies or PR agencies.

• You may think that making a successful artist name requires very specific underground knowledge. – True! And you are about to find out everything you need to know about how to make your name recognized in the fine art world.

The knowhow of this strategy is so fresh and unique, only few fine artists worldwide have managed to crack this secret knowledge. Ask yourself: if the proven self-promotion strategy requires little time and money would be everyone using it to their advantage? What is stopping other people achieving success? The answer is – the gift of knowledge and persistence.

In this era, information is the one most powerful and valuable commodity known to man. This is exactly the reason why you should read this book – to get the necessary information about making a successful career in fine art, how to promote your name, how to be exhibited in the best art galleries, how to demand the high prices for your art pieces you deserve.

You might be wondering what the secret is. The very short answer is New Technologies, which became available very recently. For centuries fine artists struggled on their way to success; times have changed. Now anyone can take the matter into their own hands and be the master of their own success. There are only two things that stand between you at this moment of time and where you want to be career wise – specialized information and dedicated effort from your side. You will have all the necessary knowledge by the end of this book, the rest will be up to you – you will have to take action and walk the path step by step.

If You want Fame, Recognition, and Profits from Your Art this Book is for You!

This book will reveal the underground secrets of making a skyrocketing career in fine art you can benefit from.

We wish you all success you deserve.”

Vladimir London and Sophie Golden

Categorized: Announcements

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