Old Masters Academy

Posts Tagged "Michelangelo"

What helped Michelangelo to keep creating masterpieces.

What helped Michelangelo to keep creating masterpieces.

… Letters written by the artist suggest his hand symptoms appeared late in life.
According to a letter written to his nephew in 1552, they caused him great discomfort.

Nevertheless he continued to create one masterpiece after another and was seen hammering only a few days before his death in 1564, three weeks before his 89th birthday.

By then, he was unable to write, and could only sign his letters. …

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Oil Painting Technique – Learn from the OLD MASTERS

Oil Painting Technique – Learn from the OLD MASTERS

Learn from the OLD MASTERS The Pietà (pl. same; Italian for pity) is a subject in Christian art depicting the Virgin Mary cradling the dead body of Jesus, most often found in sculpture. As such, it is a particular form of the Lamentation of Christ, a scene from the Passion of Christ found in cycles of the Life of Christ. When Christ and the Virgin are surrounded by other figures from the New Testament, the subject is strictly called a Lamentation in English, although Pietà is often used for this as well, and is the normal term in Italian

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Painting techniques – Cangiante

Painting techniques – Cangiante Cangiante is one of the four canonical painting modes of the Renaissance (the other three being Unione, Chiaroscuro, and Sfumato). The word itself derives from the Italian cangiare (“to change”). Cangiante is characterized by the painter’s changing to a different, lighter, hue when the original hue cannot be made light enough or, on the converse, changing to a darker hue when the original hue cannot be made dark enough. The painter may change, for example, from the color yellow to the color red (regardless of the object’s actual color) when painting shadows on a yellow object simply because the yellow he has to work with cannot be made dark enough to render shadows on that object…

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Oil Painting : Glorious Art of Colors

Painting is an aesthetic representation of the imaginative mindset of a painter. This form of art exerted tremendous influence on the society since its inception several thousand years ago. Painters are like alchemists who can make formidable creations intermingling colors on a piece of canvas. It is through painting artists of all ages portray the conditions of the mainstream society, the various ethos, culture and traditions. A work of painting can best reveal the good and evil of the everyday life and urge the common people to be good in thought and action so that the society becomes beautiful and beneficial to the mankind. Originated as a creative pastime as cave depictions by our early ancestors, painting has undergone several…

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