Web Art Academy Competition Winners – Autumn 2016

Thank you!
Big thanks to all Web Art Academy Survey participants. All entries are listed here »
We are also grateful to all supporters, who voted for the winners.
And the Winners are:
Mercedesz Farkas
“When I do something, I am really passionate about it. I like to create and learn new things but don’t have a creative career at the moment. I work in a hospital in an intensive care unit as a nursing assistant and am married with five children, two of whom have already moved out. Our family lives in an average sized Swedish town but we are originally from Hungary. Because of loving my own culture, language, literature and traditions I am able to do the same with others. It is inspiring to meet new people but I rarely take initiative to do it because of my shyness and introversion…”
Curt Barker
“Well, at 77 I decided I was not a senior citizen; rather just an Old Adventurer. So I reasoned why not explore the world of oil painting?
This summer, having no idea what I was doing, I picked up some paints, brushes, easel, and canvases and decided to paint for the first time since elementary school. While there are many artists in my family, only participation has been sculpture.
For my first painting I tried a landscape – turned out pretty bad. So, I decided that portraits are for me…”
Brad Grace
“Greetings. My name is Brad Grace. I am a 45 year old creative professional who lives in the Portland Oregon area. I am a father of one 9 years old boy, and husband to a beautiful loving wife.
I’ve always loved art and creative endeavors. As a youth (in the 1980’s) I loved drawing. So much so that I filled out one of those “Learn to Draw” tests from “Art Instruction Schools” (an art correspondence school in the US) and mailed it in. One day a rep from AIS called, set up an appointment with my dad, and came by our house to talk. He was very impressed with my sketches but alas, we were a low income family and my father wasn’t willing to pay for the instruction. So I missed that opportunity because of financial limitations…”
Please join us to congratulate the Winners!
New Web Art Academy Survey – Winter 2016
The new Survey cycle will run for 3 months from December 1, 2015.
Three winners will be awarded with the complete Web Art Academy Course on February 29, 2016.
Just answer a few questions to win »
Kind regards,
Natalie Richy and Vladimir London
Web Art Academy tutors
Thanks to all who voted. I will take great advantage of this opportunity.
Thank you, Web Art Academy, for the opportunity to take this course now. I can’t wait to start with the video lessons and I look forward to be able to grow with your help.
Good luck!