Artwork by Kim Yates (Nevalee), Web Art Academy student

This is one that I entered in the fair in October. It won first place in Amateur Oil Portrait.
I have only picked up the paint brush …… as well as pencil for drawing…. about a year ago, although coloring was a favorite as a child.
I actually stumbled into it because I was thinking to write a children’s book and thought about drawing out my characters.
Well the characters came out pretty good, then I tried some other things to draw, my dog, my kids, etc. Writing a book quickly fell out of my head as I couldn’t get enough of drawing so I tried doing charcoal drawings ( which I like a lot) then I tried pastels, then watercolor, then acrylic and finally oil ( fell in love with oil). Went through all those stages within a few months, and I have been obsessed with oil ever since.

This is one from a book on painting. Her ear is not placed right. And she has this smirk on her face that I didn’t intend. LOL
I’ve done 80 paintings in the last year, trying different types and sizes, landscapes, still life, portraits, even a few abstract. I keep getting pulled back to portraits.
I entered some paintings in the fair this year and the county bought one that I did of a local scene and they are to hang it up in the Chamber of Commerce building here in town, very proud of that I am very blessed to have the time to be able to do this, as my husband and I own an air conditioning company, so I am able to paint and work full time at the same time.
My painting does get interrupted at times but that’s o.k. People come into the office all the time and see my paintings laying every where LOL Some look to see if they are in the right place- as they need air conditioning help LOL and some have come in just to see my art ( we live in a small town and word gets around pretty quick).
Anyhow, what I’m basically saying is, that has been my training, to find pictures that are striking to me and to try to do them the same way, while at the same time learning exactly what art is and how to express myself through it. I’ve been self taught this whole time, trial and error in finding skin tones, and color harmony, etc. but your course is exactly what I’ve been needing, it will save me so much time and I will take your advice on finding my own subjects but using your perspective.
Here are a few of my paintings from the last year. I really had no idea…… the thought never entered my mind…… that I could draw it out on paper first and then transfer it like Natalie Richy have taught, this changes EVERYTHING for me as I am much better at drawing ( more control ) then at free handing it on canvas, as in the following pictures.
Thanks again for your input Natalie!
Kim Yates
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To Your Creative Success,
Natalie Richy and Vladimir London
Web Art Academy Founders
Congratulations to Natalie works fine, industrious and Kim Yates wants to learn. Further success. Elisabet Handa .