Old Masters Academy

Dithering and doodling through life

Dithering and doodling through life

Feedback from Guy Keon

I have drawn and painted since my childhood. I leaned toward fantasy and comic book art as a teenager and thought my future lied in illustration.

I applied and was admitted to a number of art schools including Carnegie Melon, Brown / RISD, Temple Tyler and ultimately chose Syracuse.
I became convinced that I was talented and creative enough to change direction and drifted into a painting major. Alas college life was not for me and I quit, convinced that I was learning nothing and could learn more by doing. The ego of youth. I drifted around the fringes of being serious about art and had a few opportunities in advertising and graphic design but never had the discipline to take it to the level needed to make it a career.


Ultimately life pushed me away from the arts and into business and I spent the next 35 years building a number of small companies. Drawing and painting became a once and a while pursuit and my largely untrained skills became rusty. I always felt that I did not want to draw and paint as a pastime or hobby and so I continued to turn out work that showed some of my talent but remained amateurish at best.


A couple of years ago I decided that I was too old to worry about the difference between a serious artist and a hobby artist. I am now 61 and have been painting and drawing regularly. It has become clear that I have forgotten much of my early training and had never developed many of the traditional skills and techniques in any case.

I found your course on line and have contemplated enrolling and am eager to learn more.

Categorized: Web Art Academy Survey Archive

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