Old Masters Academy

I am 67 years old, I am trying to draw at least once a week.

I am 67 years old, I am trying to draw at least once a week.

Feedback from Barbara

I have a masters in mixed media sculpture from a school in the 80s that taught creativity is more important than technique. I did not study drawing or painting and am pursuing that now.

I do not have much space in my apartment to use for painting, drawing, etc. and have to constantly switch things around (set up, close down each session or to move from one to another). I also have no way to hang work around to review or dream from. Odors are also a big problem as I sleep in my work area. It’s crowded and not ideal, but I am determined to not make excuses and continue my studies.

I have had a great opportunity to study with an excellent local artist but she only wants to teach one day a week and wants to get enough of a reputation to do only workshops. I am trying to find something else that I can incorporate into this work as well as continue with once she is no longer available to me. I am taking your drawing academy classes online and going to a local college for a figure drawing uninstructed class once a week.

I am 67 years old. Although not a lot, my artwork on the website stated above spans from the 80s to today.

I am 67 years old, I am trying to draw at least once a week

I think that face to face lessons are the best, with a person who is qualified and shares a similar vision. Next would be online web live class demos and discussions, where one’s work could be submitted at the end as well for critique.

I would like to learn alla-prima techniques.
Actually, as a beginner I would like to know anything regarding any of the techniques.

My main challenge in art is drawing. But I am now enrolled in the drawing art academy course. And, I am trying to draw figures from life at least once a week.
In painting, everything is a challenge, mixing colors, technique, contrast, composition, edges etc. etc. I can only learn learn learn.


Categorized: Web Art Academy Survey Archive

This Post Has 1 Comment

  1. Barbara says:

    Thank you so much. I am so excited and appreciative of winning this membership. I can’t wait to get started and look forward to delving into your great lessons.

    Thank you so much for making this great instruction available online to all no matter where they are located. Your skill and knowledge is a great gift that you have been so kind to share. I can’t tell you how appreciated I am to have this unique opportunity to benefit my personal growth.

    Thanks again, and see you at the easel………..

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