Old Masters Academy

The journey to truth

The journey to truth

Feedback from Sara

For me, my focus on art began at age seven after my dad passed away; it was therapeutic, enjoyable, yet difficult. I began by copying anime and cartoon characters, however they eventually lost their appeal. I started drawing realistically, sought improvement in art, but public school art teachers were simply no good. Most ignored my efforts, because I went off path from their teachings; and my current at teacher actually encourages drawing from pictures and focuses on improper teaching techniques for art. I’m an art history lover, decided to take my education into my own hands and seek out proper methods for creating art.

The journey to truth

My favorite artist is Leonardo da Vinci, cause he revolutionized art, introducing things like linear, color, and clarity perspective. An understanding of composition and style like his might never be seen again.

My main challenges in art are creating a desired color and shadows.

On the Web Art Academy website I wanted to find classic Art education tips and resources. I found much more than that, and I’m grateful.

Categorized: Web Art Academy Survey Archive

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