In art school I learned to throw paint on surfaces to create what we felt

Feedback from Sharon Lorraine Barley
I am a pastor, poet, and writer. Early in my life I attended art school and never learned how to paint, just learned to throw paint on surfaces to create what we felt! My inner passion was to a more disciplined approach and learn the techniques of the masters. I graduated to become a graphic artist, like many of my peers. Slowly, the death of art in my soul, my passion for art waned as I sold images for purposes that conflicted with my values. I want to return to learning and study art as it was meant to be studied.
Place of Art:
Art has been soul healing for me. When I see others painting or creating art I feel so drawn to this dream of participation. I visit museums, galleries, and watch local artists with the dream that someday I would like to learn how to paint with a classical approach. I draw a lot and create collages, but my desire is to learn to paint.
I always wanted to paint yet could never finish a painting because I couldn’t get to the place where I was satisfied with the process or the painting, frustrated by color, pallette, the paints, oils and the mess I seemed to create every time I tried to paint. Deep inside there was a sense of wooing back to painting, and I put it off for 25 years.
I want to learn an incremental, classic approach to painting. I want to learn how to paint with skill and mastery of color.
Win: First, to use the money to buy the materials I will need to learn. Second, to believe and be affirmed or validated in my dream to be an artist.
Vote: Because inside of me is a voice someone needs to see.
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