When I paint I feel the flow

Feedback from Senja
I’m a middle-aged woman from Finland. In my young age I learned a bit of drawing and painting. Then it was left and I had to work.
Since then I always knew that when I’m old enough, something more than 50 years, I’ll continue painting again.
I had to live first, to acquire life experience, pass the time of uncertainty, and then when you have settled down, it would be an appropriate time to start a life with true love – the art of painting.
I am a very sensitive and creative person. I have a great need to do something creative that I can focus on. When I concentrate on painting or other creative activities, everything else disappears and I feel the flow.
I am happy when I paint, it is almost the best feeling. My problem is that I do not know painting and drawing techniques very well. I have not studied painting and drawing seriously. I’ve only visited some short courses. Usually, painting courses are always either away from home or too expensive.
I enjoy painting and drawing. I would like to learn how to make glazing. What colors should I use and how the levels are built. Or how to draw the correct perspective. I would like to know how to draw and paint like the old masters; how to paint portraits, still lifes, animals, and landscapes. I also want to learn how to make some abstract works. I would like to learn to paint properly and quickly, saving time.
Painting and drawing is a way for me to express myself – I have an inner need to make and release the creativity within. I even thought that I could do it for a living, but I should learn first.
The Web Art Academy is presented by very skilled and professional people and I would like to learn from them, from the best.
If people vote for me, I would be very grateful, because I would get a lot of self-confidence and it would help my learning and it would motivate me a lot. The online course would suit me very well. I’m used to study virtually, and I think it would be great to also get feedback on my work. I hope the best.
Best regards,
I like! 🙂