Starting Late, Finishing Strong!

Feedback from Ashley Bagnoli
I have always had a yearning to draw. When I was in high school I so wanted to get the images out of my head and onto paper. But without proper instruction I just felt like drawing was something I just could’t do. Now that I am 26 I vowed to myself that I would learn to draw and make my passion into a reality. I have a strong history of artists in my family that I just learned about and I know that with practice and correct instruction I can become a real artists.
My favorite artist is Pablo Picasso. He is the front runner for Contemporary art. He started a whole art movement.
I have a lot of favorite artists all can be found on Pinterest and YouTube.
My main challenges in art is mixing – how much to mix, what to do to achieve the same color paint when/if I run out; how to apply shading to the picture; can I put pencil down first and then paint over it… The list is almost endless.
I would love to learn anything and everything about art. I have never used oils before but painting has always interested me.
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