Web Art Academy Competition Winners – Summer 2016

Thank you!
Big thanks to all Web Art Academy Competition participants. All entries are listed here »
We are also grateful to all supporters, who voted for the winners.
And the Winners are:
Sandra Alina
“I was graduated as a theater critic in 2005 at the National University of Theater and Cinematographic Art, Field: Dramatic Critics, Bucharest, Romania.
From 2006 till 2008 I have worked at the “Maria Filloti” Theater, in Braila, as theater critic and festival organizer. I hold a diploma in Fine Arts in the field of painting and experience in byzantine painting as I was involved in different art projects for churches in Romania.
I want to learn how to paint like the old masters and this great site is my best opportunity.”
Simona Tiron
“I considered that art was invented to bring beauty in this world, in our life and to help us to connect with our inner worlds, with our soul. When I am speaking about art I am referring to the art of beauty ; the objective art- that art that can transmit a message by itself, and the message put you to reflect; that art that makes you, even it is for a few seconds, to stop thinking, to be present here and now…. ”
Barbara Straley
“… I didn’t plan life. It just sort of happened. I found a few art jobs along the way but none that paid well. I spent a lot of time doing yard work, waiting tables, and working in offices. Along the way I picked up a few college classes. I married thoughtlessly a couple of times. Had some great kids and spent the first forty plus years just trying to figure out how to grow up. Art was a fine vehicle for absorbing life’s frustrations. …”
Please join us to congratulate the Winners!
New Web Art Academy Competition – Autumn 2016
The new Competition cycle will run for 3 months from September 1, 2016.
Three winners will be awarded with the complete Web Art Academy Course on November 30, 2016.
Just answer a few questions to win »
Kind regards,
Natalie Richy and Vladimir London
Web Art Academy tutors
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