Old Masters Academy

I always wanted to be a professional artist

I always wanted to be a professional artist

Feedback from Jane Thompson

I have always wanted to be a professional artist and although that possibility might be past now, I still want to learn as though I was a professional.

Art is now my main interest and I try to paint or draw every day.


No matter how much one works and practices there is always something to learn and I love to learn about art techniques and art itself.

I live in a cold climate with no bus route and working from home is much easier for me, there are also very few opportunities to learn properly in my community.

I only ask people to consider me because I have such a passion for art and I have already wasted enough time trying to learn more


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This Post Has 1 Comment

  1. Graham Thompson says:

    Just two samples out of the hundreds of great paintings, drawings and sculptures Jane has done over the years.

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