Old Masters Academy

Never too old, never too late

Never too old, never too late

Feedback from Lorna Beecroft

I am a very late arrival to painting, having started just prior to Christmas in 2015 at the ripe age of 62.

A dear friend and fabulous artist whom I have always admired said to me, “all it takes is practice.” I thought that could not possible be true, but as I had loved drawing when I was very young, I thought I would give it a go.


Well, it turns out that I can paint, and that hours of daily practice have improved by skill vastly from a year ago.

The challenge I am finding is that not a lot of people seem to teach oils locally and oils are what I really love. I would very much like to have some instruction as I know there is so much to learn and to try to simply muddle my way through by trial and error is a poor way to advance.

I have found so many great resources and books for sketching and pencil crayons as well as developing the discerning eye for scale, balance, relationships shade and shadow; but books on oils seem to be limited.

I want to continue to advance my ability and enjoy this as much as possible to enrich my daily life more and more. Winning this course would be a great boost for me, and I would be so very appreciative.

I do not know why I would deserve this more than anyone else. I would not say that I do, but I do know that I would be so very pleased and grateful and would certainly work diligently to apply the knowledge being shared, and to advance in my newly found love.

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This Post Has 1 Comment

  1. Lyla Mclean says:

    I would love to see Lorna Beecroft win the lessons. She is such an enthusiastic volunteer for animals and has donated paintings to support the cat rescue we both are involved with.

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