So happy to share with you my painting

Artworks from Nicoleta Puschila, Web Art Academy student
Hi Natalie,
I’m so happy to share with you my painting after I enrolled in the Web Art Academy : )
I’m still working on this painting and trying to improve my skills.
I also would like to start the Drawing Academy course in a near future.
I will much appreciate your comments regarding my painting 🙂
Many thanks in advance for your kind response,
Nicoleta Puschila
Dear Nicoleta,
Thank you for sharing with us your beautiful painting; it looks brilliant.
There are few things you may keep in mind next time you do portraits.
There is a natural tendency to paint deep shadows admixing black color to the skin mix or even depict shadows with pure black; however, even deeper shadows should have some color.
For example, in the Giotto’s Madonna you can see how this Old Master painted shadows – he masterly depicted cast shadows applying olive greenish mix of paint:
There is one more detail in your painting that could be improved – a sharp outline of a chin.
A softer border will greatly improve the portrait and also add tenderness to the character as well:
I’m especially impressed with the way you staged this painting – the greenish initial stages resemble Byzantine tradition of underpainting, as well as Renaissance’s artists approach (Michelangelo as an example – see the painting below)
The overall impression is brilliant!
Well done Nicoleta, keep painting!
To Your Creative Success,
Natalie Richy,
Web Art Academy tutor
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