On 4 Dec, 2016 With
First ever oil painting from Albert Jerka, Web Art Academy student
Hello, this is my finished painting from the first lesson. I really love the Web Art Academy course and am proud of my achievement so far. …
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On 23 Oct, 2016 With

When you buy a sketchbook, you visualize your future drawings filling up its pages. Undoubtedly in your mind they are as beautifully executed as those fast, effortless sketches of the Masters. All you need is just a few virtuoso strokes to capture the essence of the character or an object. Or maybe, if you do everything more diligently and try a bit harder, you’ll create something similar to Michelangelo’s preparatory drawings for the Sistine Chapel.
Then reality hits. Your sketches somehow don’t look like Leonardo’s and Michelangelo’s. They are not even close to those living guys you follow on Instagram. Oh gosh, now your sketchbook looks ugly! There is nothing you can show to your friends!
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On 18 Jul, 2015 With
Glazing Painting Techniques So, here I’ll give you way too much information on glazing (or indirect painting). But you can pick out what you need and forget the rest. It’ll be right here if you ever change your mind. Here’s the first rule (yes, in art rules are for breaking, but you have to understand the rule before you can break it most effectively) Fat Over Lean All mediums are fat, all opaque pigments without medium are lean. You want to paint opaquely first, with little or no medium. In subsequent layers you can move to using more medium because the oil will soak through to the first layer. Also, you don’t want the under layer to dry slower than…
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On 22 Sep, 2012 With
Oil painting techniques Introduction Welcome to the Web Art Academy Club! We are fine art teachers Natalie Richy and Vladimir London, and have created the Web Art Academy for fine art students who want to learn traditional oil painting and drawing techniques. The fine art video lessons presented in the Club are valuable for both beginning and advanced students. If you have just recently started your fine art education, this course would be very helpful to obtain a good understanding of oil painting methods. If you already have knowledge and experience in painting, this course would still provide many advanced know-how strategies you could use to improve your painting techniques. You will discover what oil painting…
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On 4 Aug, 2011 With
This Video shows the creation of the figurative painting. The canvas is toned with a thin layer of oil imprimatura, and the two figure drawing is done in sanguine. The oil painting approach is one of simplification of form and colour. In contrast to the clarity with which Natalie describes faces, details of the dress and drapery are done in loose brushstrokes and are stylised impressionistically. The composition of the painting is located in fictive surroundings. The elegant blue colours in the painting suggest nostalgia, which ads imaginative and aesthetic significance. Natalie brought to this figurative picture a modern sensibility, impressionistic effects and painterly fluency.
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On 3 Aug, 2011 With
The Video Lesson “How to Paint a Portrait in Oil” demonstrates the oil painting technique in the style of an 18th century Paris salon, explained in specific, sequential steps. From the positioning of the figure to the details of the background, this easy-to-follow process will give you the discipline and focus that the difficult art of portraiture demands. Oil painting is the process of painting with pigments that are bound with a medium of drying oil — especially in early modern Europe, linseed oil. Often an oil such as linseed was boiled with a resin such as pine resin or even frankincense; these were called ‘varnishes’ and were prized for their body and gloss. Other oils occasionally used include poppyseed oil, walnut oil, and safflower oil. These oils confer various…
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On 2 Aug, 2011 With
This Video Lesson presents an example of making two drawings in which you will learn how to draw relying on unique lose strokes only. You will be able to create your drawings fast, freshly, impressive, emotionally fulfilled and reminding the etching effect. Such technique is great for both preparatory sketches and finished artworks. Video is based on two drawings made by Natalie Richy. No one really knows when art or drawing really began. Humans supposedly made sketches and painting in the early years. Cave Paintings are a good example. People have made rock and cavedrawings since prehistoric times. By the 12th-13th centuries AD, monks were preparing illuminated manuscripts on vellum or parchment in monasteries throughout Europe were using lead styli to draw lines for their writings…
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On 29 Jul, 2011 With
Part 2 The beginning of this article The technique used is quite laborious, involving small circular or oval strokes with a sanguine pencil. If you have ever worked in lithography, you may notice that drawing with wax sanguine on the paper and using a lithography pencil on the lithography stone gives the same feeling of the surface. This is because the viscosity of pencils and the circular movements are similar, whether working in wax sanguine or doing lithography. The circular pencil movements are best suited for when the surface needs to be evenly filled in. The pressure of the sanguine pencil should be varied. The more gentle the pressure, the lighter the result. In the shadow places, more pressure should be applied. Layer…
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On 28 Jul, 2011 With
Join the Club to view this Video Lesson » Part 1 This Video Lesson presents the drawing with sanguine. It demonstrates how to capture effects of light and shadow on a drawing of antique bas-relief sculpture. How to use sanguine and white chalk on toned paper. This exercise of sanguine drawingwill improve your drawing experience and skills of depicting 3-demensional objects on flat surface of toned paper. In this video we are going to make a study of a fragment of the Parthenon sculpture in sanguine technique. We begin with transferring the drawing outline and finish with the white chalk highlighting. For the Parthenon sculpture study we have chosen a good quality, unevenly tinted thick paper, which is very similar…
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On 26 Jul, 2011 With
This Video Lesson presents an example of making two drawings in which you will learn how to draw relying on unique lose strokes only. You will be able to create your drawings fast, freshly, impressive, emotionally fulfilled and reminding the etching effect. Such technique is great for both preparatory sketches and finished artworks. Video is based on two drawings made by Natalie Richy. Here is another good example of portrait drawing where you can achieve great results with a minimalist approach. This drawing is done in the same style as the previous one. Graphite drawing techniques are virtually endless. Any way that you choose to apply graphite to a surface will produce some sort of interesting result. To begin with,…
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