We all want to leave our mark on the world

Feedback from Jessica Dosseh
I have to say I’ve always loved art and it has always been a big part of my life.
At some point in my life, someone asked me, “What type of artist are you?” At that time I didn’t know. Determining who you are and where you belong is one of the most challenging things in life.
Eventually, I slowly fell in love with classical art, fine art, and sculpting. The works of Michael Klein, Nick Alm, and Christophe Charbonnel were one of the reasons why I fell in love with classical and fine art. All I want is to learn and to keep on learning so one day my art may have an impact on someone else’s life no matter how small.
We all want to leave our mark on the world. Learning from the old masters will enable me to be able to leave that mark. Furthermore, it will allow me to improve my skills significantly.
There’s just something about how classical and fine art reveals a hidden depth to the subject it portrays. It brings life to the lifeless and a tenderness to those who seek it. The emotions found in a piece of artwork are like the flow of water. “It’s soft enough to slip through fingers but strong enough to hold up a ship. It’s rich enough to offer life but tough enough to drown it away.”
I guess I’d still be considered a novice; this is why I want to learn from the old masters and all the great talented artists out there. Just like Benjamin Franklin said, “Tell me, and I forget, teach me, and I may remember, involve me, and I learn.” The more involved I am in art, the better I will become. I believe that the web art academy is a step to learning the skills I need in becoming a great artist.
Let’s believe because the wind is rising; we must aim to live, to dream, to love, and to produce art. The beauty of the world lies between our fingers, our hands, our eyes, and our hearts.
I’m glad you are doing what you love Jess!
I like your message : ) My vote is for you!
Good luck ; you are a winner.
I hope you win!
Good luck on your contest Jess.
You deserve everything.
Good luck, my vote is for you!
Good job
Hello great congratulation
Awesome job!
Hey. Here to show support. I know if I was entering I’d want people to do the same for me. Don’t lost hope you will get the teaching you desire one day
Awesome job!!! Way to go!!!
Good job Girl!!!
Fantastic!!! Love it!!!!
I hope you win love!!